Bungie hits hard for Bungie day this year with a new contest for artists: You can have your own design printed on a shirt, if the community likes it. The community has always been amazing for me so I got in !
Here are my designs so far.

Of course, I could have picked UIdren but I’m pretty sure I would have been the only one to wear it. So I picked everyone’s favourite seller, the agent of the Nine.
You can vote for Xûr here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=208998124
Next, I picked everyone’s angry daddy, Lord Shaxx. You want the Crucible ? Listen to that robot out there. Lord Shaxx IS the Crucible.

Vote for Shaxx here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=209448042
Help me guardians, you’re my only hope !