To download them, go to this page: https://stickers.cloud/en/pack/anno-1800 and click on “add to whatsapp” or “add to telegram“, depending on which OS you are running (iOS or Android) and which app you want to use them on.
First you need to add them to your app, then go on the app, find the stickers and click “add to whatsapp” or “add to telegram” or any app they’re compatible with.
Those stickers are uploaded through an app called “WSTicK” on iOS and “Stickers Cloud & Sticker Maker” on Android. You will need the app to install them on your WhatsApp but the whole process is free. Only annoyance is the ads when you open the app that one time to install the stickers.
If you want more themed stickers, check my Stickers Cloud page for mor R6S, RDR2, IT movie and Destiny stickers !
ALL OF THOSE ARE FREE ! But feel free to tip me the equivalent of a coffee if you use them ♥
Pro tip: spam Wibbly to get an immediate answer from your contacts, and Eli if they ignore you