
Dishonored stickers pack for WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram !

screenshot of the stickers cloud page

To download them, go to this page: and click on “ADD TO WHATSAPP” or “ADD TO TELEGRAM” or “ADD TO SIGNAL”, depending on which OS you are running (iOS or Android) and which app you want to use them on.

Those stickers are uploaded through an app called “WSTicK” on iOS and “Stickers Cloud & Sticker Makeron Android. You will need the app to install them on your WhatsApp but the whole process is free. Only annoyance is the ads when you open the app that one time to install the stickers.

If you want more themed stickers, check my Stickers Cloud page for mor R6S, RDR2, IT movie, Anno 1800 and Destiny stickers !

ALL OF THOSE ARE FREE ! But feel free to tip me the equivalent of a coffee if you use them ♥


Anno 1800 stickers pack for WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram !

To download them, go to this page: and click on “add to whatsapp” or “add to telegram“, depending on which OS you are running (iOS or Android) and which app you want to use them on.

First you need to add them to your app, then go on the app, find the stickers and click “add to whatsapp” or “add to telegram” or any app they’re compatible with.

Those stickers are uploaded through an app called “WSTicK” on iOS and “Stickers Cloud & Sticker Makeron Android. You will need the app to install them on your WhatsApp but the whole process is free. Only annoyance is the ads when you open the app that one time to install the stickers.

If you want more themed stickers, check my Stickers Cloud page for mor R6S, RDR2, IT movie and Destiny stickers !

ALL OF THOSE ARE FREE ! But feel free to tip me the equivalent of a coffee if you use them ♥

Pro tip: spam Wibbly to get an immediate answer from your contacts, and Eli if they ignore you


R6S WhatsApp/Telegram Stickers phase 2

To download them, go to this page: and click on “add to whatsapp” or “add to telegram“, depending on which OS you are running (iOS or Android) and which app you want to use them on. You may have to press “add to whatsapp” twice because of the ads, but the stickers are entirely free !

Those stickers are uploaded through an app called “WSTicK” on iOS and “Stickers Cloud & Sticker Makeron Android. You will need the app to install them on your WhatsApp but the whole process is free. Only annoyance is the ads when you open the app that one time to install the stickers.

If you want more themed stickers, check my Stickers Cloud page for more Destiny, RDR2, and IT movie stickers !

These stickers are entirely free but feel free to tip me if you use them ! Much appreciated ♥


Destiny WhatsApp stickers

New Destiny Whatsapp/Telegram stickers are here !

To download them, go to this page: and click on “add to whatsapp” or “add to telegram“, depending on which OS you are running (iOS or Android) and which app you want to use them on.

Those stickers are uploaded through an app called “WSTicK” on iOS and “Stickers Cloud & Sticker Makeron Android. You will need the app to install them on your WhatsApp but the whole process is free. Only annoyance is the ads when you open the app that one time to install the stickers.

If you want more themed stickers, check my Stickers Cloud page for mor R6S, RDR2, IT movie and Destiny stickers !

ALL OF THOSE ARE FREE ! But feel free to tip me the equivalent of a coffee if you use them ♥

Pro tip: DING your contacts to death if they don’t answer you right away!


Anno 1800

Qu’est-ce à dire que ceci ? J’en savais rien quand on me l’a offert gentiment, je trouvais juste la direction artistique absolument insane, et je voulais le tester, quoi qu’il soit.

Concept art des divers DLC d’Anno

Anno 1800 est un city builder, un jeu où l’on doit construire son empire industriel, commercial et culturel dans un monde fictif basé sur l’Europe de la révolution industrielle, qu’on suivra pas à pas. On commence par établir des villages de paysans, puis d’ouvriers, avant d’attirer des artisans, des ingénieurs puis des investisseurs. Chaque tranche de la population crée de nouveaux besoins auxquels il faudra pouvoir répondre. Si les paysans et les ouvriers se contentent de pain, de saucissons et de patates, attirer des artisans et des ingénieurs poussera à aller coloniser des terres exotiques pour répondre à leurs besoins de rhum, de café, et de tissus précieux. Les investisseurs je vous en cause pas, c’est monsieur Monopoly, Mr Capitalisme.

Anno 1800 concept art by Greg Rutkowski
Anno 1800 concept art by Greg Rutkowski

L’empire est insulaire. Tout passe donc par une flotte qu’il conviendra de constituer vous-même avec l’aide de certains PNJ qui font grandir leur empire en même temps que vous. Et qui sont tout aussi gourmands. Ils sont classés par difficulté à jouer. Willy Wibblesock par exemple, mon préféré, est un couard qui ne dénoterait pas si on l’allongeait comme paillasson devant la porte. Beryl O’Mara elle est une vieille ~~tchoin~~ veuve rusée qui va essayer de vous la faire à l’envers H24, qui sera très vite plus armée et plus riche que vous si vous la laissez faire (et croyez moi, le stress d’une guerre ouverte avec elle qui coule tous vos bateaux d’approvisionnements un par un alors que c’est pas facile de les construire, c’est CHIANT).

On commence par l’Europe donc, puis on s’exporte dans une contrée qui rappelle l’Amérique du Sud, on y parle Espagnol, on cultive du tabac, de la canne à sucre, des bananes plantin… Et chaque nouveau type d’habitant peut subvenir aux besoins du vieux continent si on fait un échange de bon procédés: ils nous donnent du rhum et du café si on leur fournit des machines à coudre et de la bière, par exemple.

Anno 1800 concept art by Greg Rutkowski

Puis on colonise de nouvelles terres grâce à la Reine qui nous les laisse, puis L’ARCTIQUE qui dévoile de nouvelles richesses et de nouveaux besoins: il faut réchauffer tout ce petit monde sur place pour exploiter les gisements de gaz afin de pourvoir en électricité l’ancien monde. On y trouve également de l’or (pour faire des montres à gousset et des bagues à perle pour Mr Capitalisme dans l’ancien monde, les perles viennent du Sud… Vous suivez le trafic?) On débloque aussi la création de dirigeables mais c’est très contraignant pour le peu qu’on y gagne, en vrai.

screenshot d’une base arctique
Anno 1800 concept art

Récemment on a également débloqué des contrées aux influences Africaines: un empereur Africain vous donne des terres et des ressources si vous l’aidez à unifier son empire, en calmant les tensions entre les différents groupes en résolvant des énigmes et en apportant des ressources à ceux qui en ont besoin. Les terres Africaines débloquent un nouveau système d’irrigation qu’il faut prendre en compte et gérer au mieux pour pouvoir cultiver et nourrir son peuple sur place. Et les bergers de ce monde là sont absolument adorables, je suis amoureuse, mais c’est un détail.

Anno 1800 Land of Lions concept art

En sus de tout cela il y a des expéditions maritimes, empire insulaire oblige, pour ramener des animaux rares pour le zoo afin d’augmenter l’attrait de vos villes, des artefacts pour les musées, ou des plantes exotiques pour les jardins botaniques. Parce que oui, tout n’est pas que commerce et industrie, on peut aussi faire de très jolies choses, le tout avec des buildings Haussmaniens et de jolies coupoles en verre et en cuivre.

Background des quêtes maritimes

Récemment on a débloqué les tracteurs qui dépendent d’un acheminement de pétrole pour fonctionner mais permettent de faire tourner les cultures à plein régimes, et donc aussi les centrales électriques qui permettent de faire tourner les usines à fond de balle. Moi j’ai fait mes villes selon le modèle Français où les rues partent dans tous les sens, mais des joueurs aguerris font de plus jolies choses. Les coins où la révolution industrielle crache ses fumées et noircit ses alentours c’est pas forcément joli à voir, mais c’est satisfaisant de voir une machine bien huilée fournir ce qu’il faut quand il faut, et produire à grande échelle pour monter son exposition universelle, par exemple.


Screenshot officiel
Screenshot officiel

Ah et aussi il y a un Easter Egg qui permet de se balader dans ses rues, de voir la ville vivre sous ses yeux, d’entendre les gens discuter, le tout avec des graphismes de PS1 pour ce qui est de la gueule des gens, mais voir ses bâtiments en taille réelle, et voir comment les rues sont agréables à visiter, c’est aussi satisfaisant. La bande son est ouffissime, la direction artistique aussi. Rester à la hauteur d’un champ de blé en entendant une musique au piano et au violon pendant que les épis bruissent doucement, en attendant la livraison d’une cargaison de ressource, ça n’a pas de prix. (enfin si, mais il était en solde récemment).


WhatsApp Stickers

I made a lot of WhatsApp stickers you can use for free, only thing you’ll need is a third party app, StickersCloud (easiest way for me to upload the stickers in high resolution from my PC.)

How to get the app:

How to get the stickers:

Visit my StickersCloud webpage here on your phone, once the application is installed:

It will open my profile on the app, then click on the pack you want to download and install it through the app !

All stickers are free to use, but you can consider tipping me if you really enjoy them ! ♥


Sexual harassment at Ubisoft: “We knew”

Translation of Libération’s last investigation about the sexual misconduct scandal at Ubisoft. Original article can be found here (via a subscription).

[Translator’s note: all names have been changed on demand]


By Erwan Cario and Marius Chapuis – July 10th 2020

Setting up a crisis unit after being accused in “Libération” didn’t prevent more testimonies to emerge; their numbers are only rising, depicting the toxicity inside the video game company. Many of them point to Ubisoft’s second executive, Serge Hascoët.

Ten days after our first investigation on Ubisoft, Libération tried solve the mystery behind this “HR wall”. A wall against which all the victims’ reports about sexual and moral harassment went crashing, hiding misconducts at the highest levels of the company. According to anonymous reports initiated by Ubisoft after the crisis, Serge Hascoët has been revealed as the man behind all this systemic abuse policy. The spotlights are now on him, Ubisoft’s second in command and creative guru of the company. The man credited for star franchises like Assassin’s Creed and Watch_Dogs has “the most toxic behavior of the whole company”, says a source in HR headquarters.

“He’s smart because he navigates on a thin line. Everyone knows, that’s why he’s known, and valued for.”

Ubisoft’s crisis unit, in Montreuil, 3rd of July.
After a meeting with the big boss of HR, Romane, a high ranking employee from Ubisoft believes the answer won’t suffice compared to the importance of the crisis.

“I got out of this meeting with the impression that we’re going in the wrong direction”, she says. “Cécile Cornet was here to make excuses for the HR. This meeting included all the services that are supposed to help build a safe work environment, diversity, inclusion… And we were just being told that we need to be absolved. What I understand is that Ubisoft is going to punish a few people, the most visible ones, so they look good from the outside. But the main goal is to save all the toxic people whose name hasn’t been revealed as strongly.” The deadline is also clear: the management hope we won’t talk about Ubisoft’s scandal on the outside a week from now.  

The crisis unit has been set up on June 22nd, after a wave of accusations of sexual harassment and aggressions on twitter against high ranked members of Ubisoft – and it’s only becoming bigger. It became even more important after the publication in Libération of an investigation shedding light on the toxic culture in the Edito department. This service is the pride of the company, and it hides a boy’s club gathered around one of its iconic vice presidents, Tommy François.

“As women, we’ve become a threat.”

This man has been accused of sexual and moral harassment, and sexual assault by numerous people in our investigation. He has been protected by his status as a right-hand man of Serge Hascoët, the creative lead at Ubisoft, the man who decides the fate of every single project of the company. He has also been protected by the HR wall against which every victim collided to: every report was answered with “they’re creative, that’s how they work” or “if you cannot work with him, maybe it’s time you leave.”

Inside Ubisoft, revealing the extent of this toxic behavior had two different effects on the employees. On one side, hostility; a woman who has been working there for years explains: “Your revelations made it worse. The reactions in production studios are extreme. All the managers were told to talk to the employees, but they only do it because they’re told to. They’re convinced it might harm their freedom and call it a ‘witch hunt’. And now, as women, we became a threat. It’s far from being easy.”

Other side are employees who don’t have faith in the ongoing “cleaning” operation and make their opinion known on Mana, the social network of the enterprise. One of them rants on his own behalf:

“After reading those articles, I want nothing less than Serge Hascoët’s firing or resignation and same goes for [the HR head] Cécile Cornet. I cannot see any other morally suitable option.”

A Ubisoft employee on their social network, Mana.

Another says: “When facing a tragedy, Ubisoft fails to react with humanity […] I expected better than a generic and impersonal answer to all this pain, this anger and fear we’ve been expressing those last weeks.”

Over a hundred reports

There’s a deep split even in the HR department as a whole, as the company’s different entities are rooted in 30 different countries, with a total of 18,000 employees. During a video conference, 90 heads of HR departments heard a “grotesque” statement, as described by one of our witnesses:
“The head of the HR in Montreal came up and said: ‘those articles are unfair, and if Yves [Guillemot, CEO] doesn’t make a public statement to exonerate the HR, I’m leaving Ubi with half of my team”,  says Romane. “And after him, all his lieutenants vocally confirmed saying ‘I agree’ one after the other.”
The huge studio in Montréal is also at the center of allegations of sexual misconduct. The Québécois newspaper “La Presse” reported several problems similar to the cases from Paris’ headquarters. “It was insane”, says Romane. “Our discussions became weirder as many HR staff were playing the victim card. Even if we can say not all HR departments are guilty of hiding toxic behavior, it doesn’t mean it’s not a collective failure.”

In a letter sent to his employees last week, Yves Guillemot, CEO, promised to revise the composition of the editorial team and to transform the HR processes. The first actual element to come out of this crisis management is a new system to gather the testimonies of harassment and aggression.

“This tool named Whispli has been used at Ubisoft since 2018 to report any case of corruption”, says Eve, a former employee. “Back then, we already recommended to use it to also report sexual harassment and discriminations but the lead HR [Cécile Cornet] explicitly refused, as she was afraid of a big unpacking.”

The tool features a system of alert via email; it sends a message to the crisis unit named “Respect at Ubisoft” which is now flooded with more than a hundred reports today. For some people, the unit uses the term “ambience harassment”, which can look suspicious at first sight.

“It’s not a term we use to cover or hide facts, it’s the opposite,” says Catherine, a member of the Respect unit. “We were submerged by alerts sent by women who work as the only female employee in a man’s team and see their coworkers watching porn or exhibiting porn pictures. It doesn’t target anyone specifically, but this culture of male domination is de facto wearing on them and makes them feel harassed. We needed that term of ambience harassment to avoid minimizing those situations.”

Tatiana, a member of HR who was able to search through the testimonies, tells us that most cases have already been reported before to the HR. “It really shows that HR is the silencing tool of Ubisoft,” she says. A fourth of the reports targets and names Serge Hascoët, the creative lead, or the Edito department he’s in charge of.

Dog growls in front of women

In a portrait in “Le Monde” in 2017, Serge Hascoët was described as a “creative enjoyer” (Translator’s note: it’s a French pun on the word who means “enjoy” as well as “come”, in the sexual way). He’s the one who took an editorial turn at the beginning of the 2000’s and turned a family business into a key player in the sector. The least violent portrait we got in all the testimonies we gathered in those two investigations comes from a former assistant. “He’s an angry diva who wants all his needs fulfilled instantly even if it means finding a couscous for 30 persons in 15 minutes.”
On the inside, the reports draw a much darker portrait. “According to the alerts, Serge hasn’t sexually assaulted anyone”, said a source in headquarters’ HR. “But he’s the one who allowed all this toxic culture. Everybody knows it, everybody knows him for that. He’s valued for his toxicity, his misogyny, his homophobia, his methods of management, how he crushes other people. He’s known for his permanent libidinous behavior. And yet today people still minimize the whole thing by saying he’s a creative person.”

Romane is worried to see that despite all evidence, Serge Hascoët isn’t subject to inspection. She protests: “We knew about Serge. The Christmas party story when Tommy François tried to coerce a female employee into kissing him went all the way up to HR through a survey we make every two years. Serge witnessed the scene and it made him laugh.”
His very personal way of using illegal substances is also a recurring element in the testimonies. “Serge apparently unknowingly drugged his employees, including top management, by giving them space cakes.”

Another element emerging is an anger outburst against a VP – who’s now sitting at the Respect unit – after she demanded lunch with him, a few years ago. People at the Edito department confirmed a testimony we got 10 days ago.

“Serge was surrounded by his VP, and said this “badly fucked woman” was hindering his creativity and that she needed to have her mind expanded with a “strong fucking in the ass” and “make her take turns until she understands”.

Tatiana then proceeds to make a listing of all the horrors she saw on the report tool. “During meetings, he make people sit to have one woman/one man before whispering to his manager “oulah, there’s a sexual tension here. Something must be done before the meeting ends.”
At a work dinner, he pushes creative directors to drink alcohol until they’re sick. Then he asks the waitress to get all the bottles of the restaurant – on the money of the company, of course – and yells: “you’re a faggot if you don’t drink!”
Witnesses also report how he growled like a dog, many times, in front of women, as a dozen alerts confirm. “He trapped a woman in the elevator, and put himself against her, making growling noises as he looked her in the eyes. Other lieutenants of the Edito did the same, to the point that it became their signature move,” says Tatiana.

“Positive washing” is established as an absolute dogma.

The wall of HR protecting Serge Hascoët against his victims’ report seems to blend into a “positive washing” dogma. “At Ubisoft, we’d rather bury everything, wait for it to slow down, and for everyone to make peace in the end,” says Eve, ironically.

One of the greatest examples of this insane positive attitude is also one of Ubisoft’s greatest missed opportunities. In 2015, the management decided to make a code of good conduct to standardize the behavior in the company: a first in the gaming industry. An ambitious hazard map, at first.

“But every time, the HR leads edited the redactors’ work, softening it all in the fear of engaging the company’s responsibility. You couldn’t state exact sanctions. Concerning sexual harassment, it was excluded to mention the case of a harassing manager, because it was too pessimistic, and employees would think it might happen”, explains Sergio, who was on the front line at the time. “They deliberately used that positive doctrine to hide everything. Every problem had to be brought to the HR because we could deal with it between us. This code allowed this culture to sustain.”

“Everyone keeps repeating that working at Ubi is awesome, so if you don’t agree, you almost feel like a traitor”, says Sonya, a former employee in Edito’s HR. The Human Resource lead team in Montreuil has been working as a team for more than 20 years and celebrates “Ubiversaries” live in a cult of the conductor and of the older ones. And more importantly, they must be seen as strong with the weak, and weak with the strong.” The weak are not only the victims coming to report an issue, but also the lower-ranked employees who have to deal with strong turn-overs and an intense work pace.
“After six months in this service, I was on medical leave, exhausted by the workload”, says Clémentine. “The worst part was coming back. My N+1 and N+2 decided I was the problem and six months later, I was out of Ubisoft.”

Another one, Elizabeth, recruited by Ubisoft fresh out of school, was happy to get a permanent contract. But she didn’t feel happy for long, as she discovered her manager’s brutal methods. “It went so wrong that I quickly had to focus on my own survival. I feel bad that I actually belonged to this team, to this toxic culture where people gave nicknames to employees during meetings. An eccentric game designer was, for instance, named ‘the retard’…”
In the examples she gives us, we find the name of one of the victims mentioned in our first investigation, described as “a debauched lunatic we shouldn’t pay attention to”. “Basically, every single time something was derailing, the goal was to make the person look like a freak.”

An electroshock and a “#MeToo moment”

“The people in charge of welcoming employees and handling their careers in the company are not trained to deal with harassment”, says Catherine. “They don’t know how to collect the victims’ testimonies. But what is even worse than that, is that they were never told to care for people instead of caring about business. Never, ever. Ever. At Ubisoft, what matters is that games must be released in due time.”
This logic also grants special privileges to what the company refers to as “talents”:s those remarkable people that need to be kept inside Ubisoft at all cost. In may 2017, in front of every work council of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot was asked about a complicated cohabitation with one of their “stars”, Michel Ancel, Rayman’s creator, who was also granted preferential treatment. In an internal document we managed to read, the CEO answered: “A man of this caliber can change what people think of Ubisoft […] Michel Ancel has a star status like a few others, and that is very hard to change. It’s up to the staff representatives to find the means to protect the people who work with him.”
This sense of priority was detailed more bluntly by one of our sources, who explains that the lead HR, Cécile Cornet, stated that “Yves is OK with a toxic management, as long as these managers’ results exceed their toxicity level.”

She was interrogated in January by her teams, and she specified that Ubisoft “is a company that grants second chances, or a third, or even more, as long as its employees are successful.”

An immunity that might come to an end. Even though Ubisoft took only three sanctions against its highest ranked executives (including Tommy François, who was laid off), Catherine confirms that at least 20 people will be investigated by external lawyer firms. “A great deal of those investigations should lead to firings, because we only launch the procedure when we have a strong case.”

We contacted Ubisoft, Serge Hascoët and Cécile Cornet, but none of them answered our questions.

Don’t withhold any information, I want to know about every single case

Yves Guillemot, Ubisoft’s CEO

Another witness who’s very aware of the crisis management says the whole thing was an electroshock. “Yves told his team not to withhold any case, and that he wanted to know about every single situation, when CEOs usually say the opposite; usually, it’s more of a “don’t tell me, I don’t want to be forced to resign.” This is a real wake-up call. Many people in the upper management are losing their landmarks. They are so disconnected from the base that for them, the entire ideological landscape has suddenly changed. It really is a #MeToo moment because it’s not only a sum of individual stories, but a shift of values, of what is acceptable, and what isn’t anymore.


If you’ve come this far, you can consider tipping me on Ko-Fi ( any support is very welcome ♥

Un grand “merci” to my friend Paul who proofread all that!


Translation of parts of the Numerama’s article

English translation about Ubisoft’s sexual harassment’s scandal.

Original article:

I only translated the bits that weren’t already covered by Libération’s article, that I fully translated here because it’s wearing on me and my mental health. Remember that I do it for free to spread the truth, in a hope for my favourite gaming company to change for the best.

Serge Hascoët is Yves Guillemot’s right-hand man with “an absolute and unwavering power.” He’s said to be a bit insane, but a “funny” insane. He’s no stranger to the sexism inside the company: he once said an employee was “badly fucked” (French idiom to say someone’s not sexually satisfied so they’re frustrated with everything). Following this, he offered a lesson to fix this kind of things for anyone who’d need it to “show them how [fucking] is done”. He was also seen asking another female employee what ocytocin was (the hormone secreted by an orgasm) because she “apparently didn’t know”.

He has been so used to get his wishes fulfilled in the second that he abused his position for years, to the point that even Yves Guillemot had a word with him about his expense account (he used the company to cover personal travels costs or showed very expensive restaurant notes for only two people…)
In the end, he was allowed to have a “black card” and approve his own expense accounts without further check.
He used his assistants as servants to book hotels, get alcohol and food for parties in his flat in Neuilly, or to drive his Porsche… Until they finally created a janitor position just for him, so his assistant would finally do actual administrative work instead of fancy, not work-related business.

“We had to carry out with every decision Serge made, without asking questions”, say Anne, who worked in HR. “We were a small team of trainees and people with short contracts, inexperienced, completely unprepared for all the situation we went through. We played our parts in this, but we have also been the victims of this omerta, this mafia.”
“Serge is a God who has the right of life and death on projects and careers”, says Paul. People who wanted to directly oppose him would be “pushed to the exit”

He’s the man who has the power of life and death over any game project at Ubisoft, but also on people’s carrier in the company. He protected his friends and hired whoever he wanted to, the HR had nothing to say about recruitment.

Hascoët had a team around him protecting him all the time, including his assistant, Matthéo B. who’s also involved in several testimonies about sexism and misconduct. He’s the one who prevented his assistant to use the elevator because she was “too fat” and threatened her with a little knife. He was promoted to Hascoet’s assistant and then abused his power. To a couple (man and woman) who came to him to ask for an appointment with Mr Hascoët to discuss a project, M.B. asked if he could “fuck the woman” in exchange for the appointment. Everyone was livid, the woman was very embarrassed and Matthéo finally said it was all a joke.

He was also seen coming in and out, sometimes missing work for days, sometimes coming back presumably under the influence of drugs. He admitted being “high” on drugs several times at work, and getting out of the building on work hours to see his dealer.

“Everybody knew”. He also apparently dealt drug on his work place. “People came to his desk pretending to ask for an appointment, they took an envelope and let another envelope on the desk…”

He was gradually put aside and then asked to leave in 2018.

[The article then focuses about Tommy François, but the content is the same as the Libération’s article, HR burying complaints, François’s inappropriate behavior, force kissing female employees, saying people’s cloths are “a call to rape”, harassing and other things…]

People in the company say Ubisoft should not only fire Tommy François  but change their whole “Edito” department, but witnesses say Mr Guillemot would rather chop his own arm off rather than firing Serge Hascoët.

Yet, Yves Guillemot announced in an official letter that he would “change the composition” of this department, without further detail.

As usual, you can support me on Ko-fi !