When the nerds of the Rainbow Six group make a drone battle…
Collaboration between me, Dulcamarra, and my dear Plain Ben !
You can find us on social medias: Tweets by Dulcamarra Tweets by PlainBen
I thought Open Graph worked for social medias in general…
I was wrong. Twitter decided to make meta tags of its own to make pretty twitter cards when a website is shared.
And best of all, there’s a twitter card validator, that goes fetching your website, analyzes the meta and tells you which tag works, and which doesn’t.
And I coded a little weapon name generator for Destiny based on this: http://www.name-generators.com/name-generators/how-to-make-name-generator.htm
I used the data existing in the game so the names might ring a bell !
You can also add your own names to the generator but don’t F5 or everything will disappear !
Also you can not ad rude words.
Including me. Because I’m a die hard pokemon fan who played almost all the games (including games like Mystery Dungeons or Pokemon Link Battle ) so of course I had to move. Even if my neighborhood is full of Rattatas.
“Remember my super cool Rattata? My Rattata is different from regular Rattata. It’s like my Rattata is in the top percentage of rattatas.â€
Big cities have their own wonders though, with Lures at every pokestop and rare pokemons here and there. But in the countryside, you’ll only find Rattatas, Pidgeys and Weedles. It’s a bit disappointing (okay I say so but I made 60km including almost 10 on my bike to hatch eggs, I MISS ROAD 210 IN SINNOH OKAY).
But it made me move my butt to capture pokemons, for longer than expected. Before Pokemon Go, any distance where I had to walk was a pain in my butt. Now, I can’t wait to hatch my eggs. I even went 3km in the wild at night, crossing rivers, getting wet and all for a Pikachu… Who never popped. I still haven’t had a single Pika. Also Evees love to avoid me. They pop on my radar but wherever I go, they just disappear or get out of reach. I WILL HAVE A TOP PERCENTAGE JOLTEON, EVEE, YOU CAN’T STOP ME !!
At least if you listen to the medias. Of course people are being stupid, careless, reckless and the app is driving people nuts. But you call it dangerous, I call it natural selection. If you need a reminder not to drive while hunting, not having your eyes on your phone while driving something who could kill you or anyone else, I wonder how you got your licence in the first place.
Still, big thumb up to journalist who manage to make squibs against an app who:
Makes people go outside, walk, run, ride their bikes
Make people talk to each other in a society where talking to a stranger can be seen as an agression
Lifts up the mood of many people in dark times where there’s no day without death, attacks and sad news
Make people ultimately play together, despite age difference
Bungie hits hard for Bungie day this year with a new contest for artists: You can have your own design printed on a shirt, if the community likes it. The community has always been amazing for me so I got in !
Here are my designs so far.
A little Xur, be kind to him, his will is not his own
Of course, I could have picked UIdren but I’m pretty sure I would have been the only one to wear it. So I picked everyone’s favourite seller, the agent of the Nine.
You can vote for Xûr here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=208998124
Next, I picked everyone’s angry daddy, Lord Shaxx. You want the Crucible ? Listen to that robot out there. Lord Shaxx IS the Crucible.
You want the Crucible ? Lord Shaxx IS the Crucible
Vote for Shaxx here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=209448042