I discovered Overwatch a bit late but man I LOVE that game. What’s not to love between your team mate who NEVER take Tank/Healer and prevent you from picking your fav offense character one game out of ten ? Haha. HAHA.
For real though. McCree is love and Zenyatta is my healing buddy. Enjoy !
I could ship Mercy with half of the cast but I really love Mercy/Genji ♥
#1 McCree problem: DA HOOK. I HATE ROADHOG
Blackwatch Genji is so cool !! Cooler than comics Hipster Hanzo ?
Just Healers Problems
In which Gabriel Reyes doesn’t have Dr Ziegler’s patience and let his inner Reaper answer :’) ♥
Actual situation in game !
Fighting the art block with the Shimadas again, inspired by my holidays in Ireland and its beaches full of doggos~♥
When Genji deflects your ult
For my friend’s birthday !
When it’s too cold to throw the dragons at people and you actually keep them for yourself.
Reaper is an edge lord who can send anyone to hell with a single line
When I finally pick McCree…
Don’t try to play sniper when you’re sick !
The infamous Team Husbandos !
AND HIPSTER HANZO. With piercings and shit.
When you’re a cybernetic ninja outcooled by your older hipster brother, life really isn’t fair.
When my friends CaptainBerunov calls Reaper her “snowflake of love” while we’re in game, I just… Can’t.
When soldier is making his best Steve “I throw myself on a grenade” Rogers impression.
I love Reaper and McCree’s interactions
Sombra has the best chara design
Zenyatta sounds like piñata when said with an american accent.
Seriously though. Between that spray and the fact that he always get new guns when they’re discharged…
Don’t show off Rein, Rook is doing his best
Just healers problems
My summary of my Zarya experience, with the current upsurge of Bastions in game